A few days ago i read an article about 8 fashion apps you should have now, I'm a fan of download thousand apps to my phone that's why I found it interesting but oh surprise! most of them were not even useful in Mexico, well those were more for shopping, in our country every time there are more options to buy via Internet, but being honest only few dare to buy this way.
Así que decidí compartirles las apps de moda que suelo usar, más que nada con el fin de estar al pendiente de las tendencias que vienen, noticias, revisar stock y productos nuevos en tiendas.
So I decided share with you the fashion apps I use, more than anything with the purpose to be aware of the coming trends, news, check stock and new products in stores.
So I decided share with you the fashion apps I use, more than anything with the purpose to be aware of the coming trends, news, check stock and new products in stores.

This app is so complete, gives you tips for your hair, key pieces, trends, how to match, music and other. But the best here is that you can download month after month this guide.
It's an inspiration to set outfits, you can keep everything in collections, give a like, share, comment, shows you the pieces of the outfit, there's even videos and you can upload your own outfit, it's pretty alike to Lookbook.nu, what I like most is that weekly I have in my mail the latest trends.

Runways, videos even the best parties, with this app you won't miss any show of your favorite designers.
>El Libro Amarillo: una app por el Palacio de Hierro, que pretende ser una guía tanto para mujer y hombre, así como en Asos también son descargables.
An app from el Palacio de Hierro, pretends to be a guide for both woman and man, like Asos it's also downloadable.
>Glamour Book: el contenido está en castellano, igual es una app genial, puedes checar tendencias, como vestirte para cada ocasión y el estilo de las celebridades. Y si prefieres una más dirigida a México está Glamour To Go.
The content is in Castilian, it's a great app, you can check trends, how to dress for any ocassion and celebrity style. If you prefer an app addressed to México there's Glamour to go.

>Polyvore: aquí hay de todo, puedes armar collages, compartir tu estilo, enterarte de tendencias, decoración, comprar y compartir lo que te lata en redes sociales.
>H&M: ve lo último de la tienda, noticias, tendencias y vídeos, incluso recibe notificaciones para enterarte de promociones así no te pierdes de nada.
See the latest in store, news, trends and videos, even receive notifications of promotions so you don't miss a thing.
>Stradivarius: por su puesto no me podía faltar esta app, con ella me entero de lo nuevo en la tienda, me encanta mirar el lookbook y catálogo junto con los vídeos.
Of course I couldn't forget this app, with this I can I find new in store, I love to take a look at the lookbook and catalog along with the videos.
Rola del Día / Song of the day:
Carousel - Get Up
¿Cuéntame, qué otra app utilizas para estar al pendiente de lo último en la moda?
Tell me, what other app you use to be aware of the latest fashion?
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